Energy consumption smart solution

Energy as a capital and strategic resource plays an important role in the management of countries, therefore advanced countries try to use smart networks to manage energy resources in order to use this capital in the best way. use.

Fenap Infrastructure Company, by having various products and services in the Internet of Things, cloud space, big data and artificial intelligence services, as well as by creating a network of colleagues, control platform and The management of smart gas meters has provided.

Smart measurement system

The smart metering system is an integrated system that consists of a smart meter, software platform and telecommunication platform. This system collects, stores and processes consumption information along with other information defined by the consumer. In this way, by creating a two-way telecommunication platform, the ability to read, configure, monitor and remotely control the meters to manage, process and analyze the information collected from the meters and create the necessary technical and non-technical analyzes in the form of graphs and reports. Automatically generates.

Centralized meter management system features

The task of the centralized meter management system is to create the ability to manage, monitor, control and plan meters. This system provides the possibility of configuring and managing meters by sending and receiving data and fully interacting with the meters through communication with the Internet of Things platform.

Features of the meter data management system

The task of the data management system for Fanap infrastructure meters is to create the ability to manage subscribers, meters and various events for credit and normal meters. This system, in cooperation with the centralized management system of the meter, after confirming and configuring the meters, it is possible to receive meter data as well as send data and control commands to the meters through the Internet of Things platform.

Features of the subscriber affairs program

The subscriber affairs application, which runs on subscribers’ mobile phones or on the web, allows the user to view consumption information and credit management (credit counters). Below are some of these facilities:

Why fanap infrastructure?

building industry

Diversity in business models

building industry

Providing solutions based on cloud computing

building industry

A completely local solution and product


For more information, contact our colleagues at Fanap Infrastructure.