To infinity & beyond

Industries leadership in the path of smartification and Industry4.0 is our mission.

By benefiting from the world’s latest technologies and customizing them, Fanap Infrastructure has paved the way for large industries to move towards digital transformation approach. Being the first smart industry operator in the country, with a brilliant background in implementation of large-scale projects in various industries, this entity has experienced all kinds of challenges in this direction and provides various technological solutions with the collaboration of 900 expert human capital approximately.

Digital transformation is a journey which never end, a journey that begins with the infrastructure, along with a team that knows how to move on a smart path.


Executive Projects
Iranyan Zarand Steel Company

Zarand Iranyan Steel Complex is located 7 km far from Zarand-Kerman road on a land of 390 hectares. The size of this area, in addition to the difference in the level of the areas of this project, which varies from 4 meters to 90 meters above the ground.

Executive Projects
Sirjan Iranyan Steel Company

Sirjan Iranyan Steel Company is one of the subsidiary companies of the mother company for the development of mines and mineral industries in the Middle East. Currently, more than 10 groups of FANRP products are used in 4 separate factories of this company.

Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP
MIDHCo Holding

MIDHCo's comprehensive integrated information ERP solution (MIDRP) is actually the specialized technology for MIDHCo Holding, this solution is categorized into 13 product groups, 36 products and 205 processes, of which 105 processes have been deployed or are ready to be deployed.

Fanap infra at a glance


The company's rank among the top 500 companies in Iran


Number of employees


Number of provincial offices
Iranian Zarand steel project

Smart industry operator

Statistics show that many industries that did not have a tendency to be smart so far have realized the necessity of this transformation and are moving in to this direction.
As the first smart industry operator, Fanap Infrastructure helps Iran’s sustainable and comprehensive industrial development by using new models and patterns based on the five emerging technologies of the Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Blockchain in order to design and implement smart factories.


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