Midhco Holding project
  • Project name: Implementation of a comprehensive organizational solution in MIDHCo Holding
  • Project Duration: from 2013 to present
  • Location: Tehran
  • Client: MIDHCo Holding

three major customer challenges

1- Due to the use of scattered and different software in different parts of MIDHCo Holding, which made it difficult for managers to control and make decisions, the importance of using integrated and management information systems to advance The daily affairs of the holding have received more attention.
2- The importance of protecting the information of a number of the largest manufacturing factories in the country and the reluctance of senior managers to use non-native solutions for security reasons.
3- Non-native ERPs are not comprehensive due to the lack of fit with the culture and business rules and requirements in Iran, and on the other hand, the complex user interface and English language make them difficult for employees at different levels to use.

How did we help them?

The implementation of technology in MIDHCo has led to an increase in productivity through intelligentization, and in addition, it has led to scientific achievements and upgrading the level of MIDHCo to achieve a world-class industry.

Why were we the best choice for the client in this project?

1- Removing island systems and creating order, purposefulness and integration of subsidiary companies at the holding level, which leads to increased productivity.
2- The ability of Fanap Infrastructure Company to carry out software projects at the national level (large-scale organizations)
3- Creation of timely and integrated reports for use in strategic decision-making by senior managers of the holding.


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