Industrial Internet of Things portal

In many industries of the country, there are a large number of old equipment that cannot be connected to each other through the Internet of Things and analyze the data from their work.
Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) gateways enable the connection of legacy and remote industrial devices with next-generation smart infrastructure.
Designed to securely connect to the Internet or the cloud (via WiFi, LAN), this gateway provides a solution for leveraging meaningful data from legacy devices, helping to offset the prohibitive costs of replacing existing infrastructure with next-generation equipment. p>

Industrial Internet of Things portal Fanap Infrastructure is designed completely natively for critical systems and infrastructures and industrial environments of the country. This device collects data directly from sensors, actuators or I/O devices and can be configured with a wide range of different protocols.
The IoT gateway enables access to hidden data from sensors, logic controllers, and IO devices, making it an ideal solution for a wide variety of business processes and applications, including remote monitoring, preventive maintenance, production optimization, and industrial automation. It is practical.



Ability to process data at the Edge level


Operationalize data usage from Edge to Cloud

Smart factory

Real-time data collection from the field level


Communicating between the IT and OT layers safely and easily

The need to use the Internet of Things portal

Today, IoT infrastructure and industrial automation have faced increasing cyber security threats due to the vulnerability of using public networks for IT and OT convergence, which has provided opportunities for hackers. is.

In order to increase trust in control systems and industrial Internet of Things, it is necessary to benefit from the Industrial Internet of Things port.

Why Fanap Infra Industrial Internet of Things Portal?


Easy data management from Edge to Cloud


Flexibility in configuring IT and OT networks

Smart factory

Native and safe solution against cyber threats


Real-time performance


For more information, contact our colleagues at Fanap Infrastructure.