Fanap infrastructure

The essential role of industrial intelligence during the Corona crisis has been more and more noticed by the owners of industries and businesses all over the world. The surveys conducted show that many industries that had not moved towards intelligentization have become aware of the necessity of this change.
Creating the first intelligent industry operator and being in the list of the top three companies providing industry 4 services and products in West Asia is a vision that Fanap Infrastructure has taken fundamental steps to achieve.
The mission of FNAP Infrastructure as a smart industry operator is to use new models and patterns based on the five emerging technologies, in order to realize smart factories, focusing on six target markets, to sustainable industrial development and All over Iran should help.

Intelligentization of industries

Why fanap infrastructure?

Intelligentization of industries
Cash management

In the current situation where low liquidity has caused many damages to the projects, Fanap infrastructure with high liquidity power operates all the projects of its customers without being damaged by financial problems.

Human Capital
Expert human capital

The human capital of Fanap Infrastructure Company consists of experts who have expertise in all the areas required for the intelligentization of industries, and this has made this group a leading player in the industry.

Infrastructure integration
Integration of infrastructure services

Customers can easily benefit from the added value of cloud computing, Internet of Things and comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions by outsourcing all parts of their industry's intelligence to Fanap Infrastructure.


For more information, contact our colleagues at Fanap Infrastructure.