Entering a new era of the digital world

Industrial Metaverse is a thread that connects the digital world and the real world of industries and can, based on the data it extracts and receives through the Internet of Things systems, all of them in He recreated a 3D model and displayed it again.
It doesn’t matter which field Metaverse wants to address, the important thing is that Metaverse creates the ability to provide a unified and comprehensive digital experience in any field and domain, and due to its pervasiveness in all fields and domains, It creates the possibility of gaining different experiences for the owners of industries.

Industrial metaverse

Industrial metaverse & digital twin

An industrial metaverse, as the mastermind of the system, has the ability to model a variety of digital counterparts, so that from an upstream and helicopter view, the industrial metaverse can be seen as consisting of several blocks. that each block is actually a digital twin of a part of industry systems and services, a fully detailed twin of devices and production lines from the real world, but in a rendered environment of that industry, a space like a simulator.

Industrial metaverse

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